Lucky is an Indian television fantasy-drama series that aired on Star Plus between 2007 and 2009. The show is about a man named Lucky produced by Sagar Arts Productions and directed by Nisser Parvej. He runs a fake antique store. One day he finds out he is the fifth Rakshak. After that incident in every episode he goes on an adventure to save antiques with the help of Inder Mohan Sharma, a 500-year-old ghost, Captain Paswan and Acharya Joshi.
Shrimaan Shrimati is a sitcom that first aired on Doordarshan in 1994. It starred Jatin Kanakia, Rak...
The story of Indian warrior Porus and his life especially the Battle of the Hydaspes with the Great ...
The comic adventures of a group of misfits who form an extremely bad concert party touring the hot a...
A young woman is fated to relive the love of an earlier life. Separated by time, young Serena and bo...
Six real life couples relive their unique love stories in this heartfelt series celebrating the triu...
Will Best and Rachel Stringer present the drone-based game show in which features precision flying, ...
Haru and Kanako have been married for four years. They don't have any children, but they both enjoy ...
Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. Wit...
Preschool children's series about a group of animals that live together on a huge patchwork blanket.
The protagonist of the story is Jim Hawkins, an english preteen boy of the eighteenth-century. He op...
A pirate and a landlubber: it’s double trouble in Dull-on-Sea! Ah-haaar! At Dull-on-Sea the (far too...