Shrimaan Shrimati is a sitcom that first aired on Doordarshan in 1994. It starred Jatin Kanakia, Rakesh Bedi, Reema Lagoo and Archana Puran Singh in the lead roles. The story involves two neighbours Keshav and Dilruba who covet each other's wives more than their own. Hilarity ensues when they try their level best to flirt with and get closer to each other's wives.
Summer 1996. While chasing after a bicycle thief, Yang Xi hurts her leg and therefore can’t particip...
This comedic series takes on the true story behind the release of the first ever viral video in hist...
Sassy sitcom centering on radio and television personality Martin Payne. Series focuses on his roman...
The comic adventures of a group of misfits who form an extremely bad concert party touring the hot a...
The series begins with Becca on the eve of her second wedding. It all seems perfect this time around...
Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage ...
In 1994, college students were crazy about college basketball, and Korea's hip-hop artists; with stu...
Lucky is an Indian television fantasy-drama series that aired on Star Plus between 2007 and 2009. Th...
Gaynor Jacks, aged 29, returns to her mum and dad's house in Coventry after running off to find her ...
Fang Yan and Du Mei experience a profound and unforgettable love, just like any other couple, throug...
Set in 1996 in Lincolnshire, the show tells the tragic and humorous story of a very troubled young g...
The Winner is an American television series that premiered on Fox on March 4, 2007. It is a comedy a...
It's 1993 and Ted the bear's moment of fame has passed, leaving him living with his best friend, 16-...
A boy becomes a man, and a man becomes a father, in a time before coming of age was something you co...
A '90s-set single-camera comedy about a hip-hop-loving Asian kid growing up in suburban Orlando, bei...
Branded an enemy of the state, a cyborg supersoldier struggles to find a cause worth fighting for in...
The story of legendary safe cracker and career criminal Ted West and his firecracker of a wife, Rita...
It's the '90s, and five losers run an illegal business at their high school. They sell homework and ...
A romantic comedy revolving around the life of three former child stars that wish to relive their fa...