The Inside is an American crime drama television series created by Tim Minear and Howard Gordon and produced by Imagine Television. The Inside follows the work of the FBI's Los Angeles Violent Crimes Unit, a division dedicated to investigating particularly dangerous crimes. The Inside initially aired on the Fox Network from June 8 to July 13, 2005. Although thirteen episodes were produced, Fox aired only seven episodes before canceling the series. All thirteen episodes were subsequently aired on Britain's ITV4 in 2006.
The trials of a former television station manager turned newspaper city editor, and his journalist s...
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characte...
Inspired by actual cases and experiences, Numb3rs depicts the confluence of police work and mathemat...
Martial Law is an American/Canadian crime drama that aired on CBS from 1998 to 2000, and was created...
The series focused on an FBI Crisis Negotiation Unit whose members negotiated hostage situations and...
Nine people are caught in a bank robbery gone wrong and endure a 52-hour hostage standoff that will ...
A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top crim...
Notorious Los Angeles defense attorney Sebastian Stark becomes disillusioned with his career after h...
Justice is an American legal drama produced by Jerry Bruckheimer that aired on Fox in the USA and CT...
Each episode of this series, set in contemporary Los Angeles, examines one crime from many different...
L.A. Law is an American television legal drama series that ran for eight seasons on NBC from Septemb...
Cranky but likable L.A. PI Jim Rockford pulls no punches (but takes plenty of them). An ex-con sent ...
Welcome to the war between the FBI and organized crime. One side enforces the law as the other break...
This series revolves around the Los Angeles field office of the FBI that was assigned to the most d...
Born with a genetic defect, 23-year-old agent Gaia lacks one of the most basic human instincts: fear...
Charlie Grace is a Los Angeles private eye with a daughter named Jenny, works along with other cops,...
Rebellious Mickey and good-natured Gus navigate the thrills and agonies of modern relationships.
FBI agent Angela Clinton has the exceptional gift of knowing when someone is lying. She discovered t...
Side Order of Life is a dramatic television series broadcast by Lifetime on Sunday night. In its fir...
Rags to Riches is an American musical comedy drama series that was broadcast on NBC for two seasons ...