The Ultimate Fighter is an American reality television series and mixed martial arts (MMA) competition produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and Pilgrim Media Group currently airing on ESPN+. It previously aired for fourteen seasons on Spike TV. The show features professional MMA fighters living together in Las Vegas, Nevada, and follows them as they train and compete against each other for a prized six-figure contract with the UFC. The series debuted on January 17, 2005.
Pros vs. Joes is an American physical reality game show that airs on Spike TV. The show features mal...
Living Lahaina is an American reality television series on MTV. The series, filmed over a three-mont...
A reality television series that follows a group of boxers as they compete with one another in an el...
Cameras were allowed full access to all aspects of the club and players, on the pitch and training f...
Being married to the game comes with its fair share of perks, but make no mistake: managing the pres...
The Ride: The Road to the U.S. Army All-American Bowl is the story of 8 under the radar high-school ...
American Gladiators is an American competition television program that aired weekly in syndication f...
UFC 200 Greatest Fighters of All Time is a six-part series counting down the best athletes to ever s...
Super Agent was an American reality television series about nine sports agents competing to be selec...
UFC All Access was a reality television show which aired on Spike TV. Hosted by Rachelle Leah, UFC A...
A group of young MMA fighters growing up in small town Louisiana and struggling to make something of...
American Gladiators is an American competition TV show that aired on NBC and Citytv in Canada. Hoste...
There is no giving up on these four beautiful actresses. They never met each other yet gathered for ...
4th and Long is a reality television series hosted by Michael Irvin that premiered on Spike on May 1...
Bully Beatdown was an American reality television series created by Mark Burnett which airs on MTV. ...
Toughest Cowboy is an American rodeo competition-based reality television program that follows twelv...
There are rivalries, and then there is the Celtics versus the Lakers. “Celtics/Lakers: Best of Enemi...
Wrestling Society X was a short-lived professional wrestling-based television series produced in 200...
The story of MMA fighter, 'Lightning' Lee Murray, who brawled his way from the mean streets of South...
Host Jim Rome interviews sports figures, gives personal opinions on a few of the day's sports storie...