4th and Long is a reality television series hosted by Michael Irvin that premiered on Spike on May 18, 2009. The winner of the show earned a spot at the Dallas Cowboys training camp - with a shot of making the roster. The show pits six wide receivers against six defensive backs. The show was filmed at the Cotton Bowl, with Joe Avezzano as the coach for the receivers and Bill Bates as the coach for the backs. The athletes have varying backgrounds, including national champions, CFL players, arena league veterans, semi-pro players, and those who have tried to make NFL rosters.
Survival of the Richest is an American reality television show with the WB Television Network that f...
Canada's Next Top Model is a Canadian reality show in which female contestants compete for the title...
Viki and Köpi travel around European cities and try to find out who manages to create a better trip ...
A first-of-its-kind global talent competition featuring acts from every genre imaginable, from every...
Dance talent show which sees dancers of any age and dance style compete to win £50,000 and a chance ...
Well-known faces don their aprons in this charity special. Who has got what it takes to go all the w...
Dancing with the Stars is a dance competition show airing on MBC TV in South Korea. The show is base...
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart is a reality game show and a spin-off from the series, The Apprentice...
Making the Band is an ABC/MTV reality television series that exists in separate iterations, each ite...
American version of the culinary competition series that gives talented kids between the ages of 8 a...
Four teams of adventurers embark on a quest to sprint around the world on a challenging course in th...
Endurance is an American reality television children's program, previously shown on the Discovery Ki...
Two-A-Days is a show on the United States cable television channel MTV. The show chronicled the live...
A reality television series that follows a group of boxers as they compete with one another in an el...
Gladiators is a British television entertainment series, produced by LWT for ITV, and broadcast betw...
British version of the reality competitions series that sees young entrepreneurs compete in several ...
Just how far is a chef willing to go to win a cooking competition? Cutthroat Kitchen hands four chef...
In each episode of this 'Skin Wars' spinoff hosted by RuPaul Charles, three former 'Skin Wars' conte...