Rock Rivals is a British television drama series following the lives of two celebrity judges on an X Factor style show as their marriage falls apart. It was produced by Shed Productions, the company behind Footballers' Wives, Bad Girls and Waterloo Road. The series began on 5 March 2008 on ITV and finished on 23 April 2008. It was not renewed due to both poor ratings and poor reviews.
A sake brewery of long standing in Kanazawa is deep in the red. The owner’s only son Sagara Shuichi,...
Recently separated forty-something Toby Fleishman dives into the brave new world of app-based dating...
Korea’s most skilled divorce solver and an eccentric lawyer who provides solutions for troubled marr...
Rescue Me revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse, the crew of 62 Truck. E...
The onscreen melodrama is nothing compared to what happens when the cameras stop rolling on the fict...
A behind-the-scenes look at a fictional sketch-comedy TV show.
Everything comes unraveling for three successful women who work on a radio show as twists, turns and...
The miniseries follows the battle between two parents, Dimo and Kalina, for custody of their son Bob...
A Bit of a Do is a British comedy drama series based on the books by David Nobbs. The show starred D...
Follows a best-selling author of a self-help book series who is secretly hiding her separation from ...
He Da Ye has always focused more on her career rather than her love life, and has, therefore, been s...
During the divorce cooling-off period, the wealthy marriage that originally fell apart, as his wife ...
Mizuguchi Saki is an outstanding fashion magazine editor who grew up in a modern and liberal family....
Elegant, proper Grace and freewheeling, eccentric Frankie are a pair of frenemies whose lives are tu...
Set against the backdrop of a hit dating competition show, "UnREAL" is led by Rachel, a young staffe...