A Bit of a Do is a British comedy drama series based on the books by David Nobbs. The show starred David Jason and was aired on ITV in 1989. It was made for the ITV network by Yorkshire Television. The show was set in a fictional Yorkshire town. Each episode took place at a different social function and followed the changing lives of two families, the working-class Simcocks and the middle-class Rodenhursts, together with their respective friends, Rodney and Betty Sillitoe, and Neville Badger. The series begins with the wedding of Ted and Rita Simcock's son Paul to Laurence and Liz Rodenhurst's daughter Jenny; an event at which Ted and Liz begin an affair. The subsequent fallout from this affair forms the basis for most of the first series.
A topical comedy show, mixing stand-up with sketches and impressions, starring David Baddiel, Robert...
Common As Muck is a gritty BBC comedy drama serial focusing on the lives of a crew of bin men and th...
The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga se...
Following the chronicles of the East End working-class Garnett family, headed by patriarch Alf Garne...
Sitcom about the lives and loves of five twenty-somethings in Runcorn.
The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after be...
Dinnerladies is a BBC sitcom written by and starring Victoria Wood that chronicles the antics of a g...
Follow the lives and loves of a group of thirtysomethings in a heart-warming comic drama as they try...
Where the Heart Is is a British television family drama series set in the fictional Yorkshire town o...
On the Buses is a British comedy series created by Ronald Wolfe and Ronald Chesney, broadcast in the...
The heartwarming yet uncomfortable relationship between three adult siblings: one in the 1%, one mid...
Ripley Holden is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art am...
Fat Friends was an ITV drama, following a group of overweight people, their laughter and pain and ad...
Story line is set around Yorkshire's 'Chevin Chase Veterinary Surgery', The Chase follows the drama ...
The family life, romantic life, and career of Martin Tupper, a divorced New York City book editor. T...
Executive Stress is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1986 to 1988. Produced by Thames Televis...
Stockard Channing in Just Friends is a 1979 American television sitcom starring Stockard Channing, w...
A sake brewery of long standing in Kanazawa is deep in the red. The owner’s only son Sagara Shuichi,...
"I want to be loved, as a person, and as a woman." Nakamichi Misaki is a teacher who has been marrie...