Coal was an American reality television series on Spike. The series debuted on March 30, 2011. The series portrayed the real life events on a coal mine in Westchester, West Virginia, and the inherent dangers involved. The series was later premiered in the UK on November 8, 2011, via the Discovery Channel UK. It featured owner Mike Crowder along with several employees involved in the mining operation.
The daily lives of Hydro-Québec linemen as they perform the sixth most dangerous job in all of North...
Between the third and the fourth seasons, Todd Hoffman and several crew members traveled to South Am...
America's Toughest Jobs is a reality television show that lasted one season and aired on the America...
In Harm's Way is a one-hour American reality television series on The CW that looked at the lives of...
Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new cla...
You wanted more, you got more! Passfire is back with Passfire the Series: Season 1. Six brand new ep...
Ghost Mine is an American paranormal television series that premiered on January 16, 2013 in the Uni...
When an oil rig causes an eruption in a small town, it's just the first in a series that could affec...
South African soap opera centering around the lives of the wealthy Haines family, the Matabanes, and...
The story based on a novel by Colleen McCullough focuses on three generations of the Cleary family l...
Sons and Lovers is a 1981 BBC television serial based on the D. H. Lawrence book Sons and Lovers. It...
Natural history series focusing on the spectacular scenery and indigenous wildlife of Russia. The te...
Ex-Special Forces soldier Jason Fox used to hunt drug lords for a living. Now, he heads unarmed into...
De kijk van Koolhoven is a six part series of movie lectures given by director and cinephile Martin ...
An examination of how America’s changing style through the decades has mirrored the political, socia...