Ghost Mine is an American paranormal television series that premiered on January 16, 2013 in the United States on Syfy channel. The series features a group of hard rock miners searching for gold in Oregon's Crescent Mine. Two paranormal investigators accompany them in an attempt to determine if the location is haunted. On April 10, 2013, Syfy renewed the series for a 12 episode second season, set to premiere September 4, 2013.
Paranormal investigators investigate places that are reported to be haunted. Engaging forensic exper...
Most Haunted is a British paranormal mystery documentary reality television series. The series was f...
Between the third and the fourth seasons, Todd Hoffman and several crew members traveled to South Am...
Jack Osbourne and his paranormal researcher Katrina Weidman search for ghosts.
Haunted Encounters is an American paranormal television series that premiered on December 1, 2012 on...
Disembodied voices, objects moving on their own, shadow figures and apparitions – all are often sign...
Most Haunted Live is a spin-off of the paranormal reality television series Most Haunted and was als...
Utilizing a team of reputable professionals working alongside "The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch" veter...
A paranormal investigation team hunt for ghosts in asylums, sanitariums and mental hospitals in this...
Hailing from all corners of the globe, six of the best ghost hunters in the business have joined for...
6ixth Sense is a British television programme, shown on Living. Hosted by Colin Fry, it features him...
Beyond Reason was a television quiz show seen throughout Canada from 1977 to 1980. Programmes featur...
Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files is a paranormal investigation series produced by Base Productions th...
Every episode explores two chilling stories of real-life paranormal encounters that intersect with r...
When traditional methods of dealing with human mysteries fail to provide help, the people profiled i...
Exploring haunted locations associated with infamous serial killers, Zak Bagans and the Ghost Advent...
Fear is an American paranormal reality television series that originally aired from 2000 to 2002 on ...
Follow the lives of ambitious miners as they head north in pursuit of gold. With new miners, new cla...
Follow one of the original team leaders, Grant Wilson, and his handpicked group of professional ghos...