This is Your Life is a British biographical television documentary, based on the 1952 American show of the same name. It was hosted by Eamonn Andrews from 1955 until 1964, and then from 1969 until his death in 1987 aged 64. Michael Aspel then took up the role of host until the show ended in 2003. It returned in 2007 as a one-off special presented by Trevor McDonald, which to date was its most recent airing. In the show the host surprises a special guest, before taking them through their life with the assistance of the 'big red book'. Both celebrities and non-celebrities have been 'victims' of the show. The show was originally broadcast live, and over its run it has alternated between being broadcast on the BBC and on ITV.
Private detective Annie Richard takes celebrities into the troubling past of their neighbourhood. In...
This proudly profane series explores the history and impact of some of the most notorious bad words ...
Hilary Duff: This Is Now is a two-part MTV reality television series about singer Hilary Duff, broad...
Get the story behind the song from your favorite artists. Each artist will take you on an intimate j...
Examines the lives of beloved celebritie through rarely seen footage and revealing interviews with t...
Dany Turcotte invites celebrities to discover a small rural towns in unexpected and surprising ways....
E! True Hollywood Story is an American documentary series on E! that deals with famous Hollywood cel...
A British genealogy documentary series in which celebrities trace their ancestry, discovering secret...
Each week, Rémi-Pierre Paquin will receive friends who are dear to him in order to live together an ...
From roots in the Deep South to the slums of New Jersey, "Who Do You Think You Are?" follows the jou...
This Is Your Life is an Australian television documentary show based on the American show of the sam...
Geneviève Guérard meets fans who share their love for all kinds of dance styles and the communities ...
When I Was 17 is an MTV television show which features celebrities of today and looks back on "when ...
A fly-on-the-wall series showing Louis Theroux spending time with guest celebrities.