Intimate Portrait is a biographical television series on the Lifetime Television cable network focusing on different celebrities, which includes interviews with each subject. Among the people profiled were Grace Kelly, Natalie Wood, Carly Simon, Jackie Kennedy, Katharine Hepburn, Carol Burnett, Tanya Tucker, and Marla Maples.
This is Your Life is a British biographical television documentary, based on the 1952 American show ...
Dany Turcotte invites celebrities to discover a small rural towns in unexpected and surprising ways....
The four-part investigative doc-series "Juan Carlos: Downfall of The King" charts the rise and fall ...
Ayrton Senna tells his own story. The beginning of his career, the peak in F1, the rivalries, the Wo...
After he's shot in 1968, Andy Warhol begins documenting his life and feelings. Those diaries, and th...
Diving deep into the heart of black entertainment's most perplexing mysteries, this investigative se...
Ever wonder what it's really like to be in a movie? Go behind the scenes of House of Wax with Chad,...
Hilary Duff: This Is Now is a two-part MTV reality television series about singer Hilary Duff, broad...
TV's most-watched history series brings to life the compelling stories from our past that inform our...
Two-part documentary series about the life and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring archival footage onl...
As part of a season of programming marking Sir David Attenborough's 90th birthday, four of his favou...
Explore Ali’s challenges, confrontations, comebacks and triumphs through recordings of his own voice...
This intimate docuseries follows Arnold Schwarzenegger's multifaceted life and career, from bodybuil...
From roots in the Deep South to the slums of New Jersey, "Who Do You Think You Are?" follows the jou...
This program interviews directors on their film work.