16 and Pregnant is an American reality television series that debuted June 11, 2009, on MTV. It follows the stories of pregnant teenage girls in high school dealing with the hardships of teenage pregnancy. Each episode features a different teenage girl, with the episode typically beginning when she is 4 ¹⁄2 – 8 months into her pregnancy. The episode typically ends when the baby is a few months old. The series is produced in a documentary format, with an animation on notebook paper showing highlights during each episode preceding the commercial breaks. 16 and Pregnant has spawned several spin-off series: Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom 3. Each series follows the lives of four girls from their respective season of 16 and Pregnant as they navigate their first years of motherhood. As of July 2013, casting for the fifth season of the series is taking place.
In 16 and Pregnant, they were moms-to-be. Now, follow Farrah, Maci, Amber, and Catelynn as they face...
Jenelle, Chelsea, Kailyn, and Leah are four young women navigating complicated lives. It's not alway...
Mackenzie, Katie, Briana, and Alex from the fourth season of 16 and Pregnant who are facing the chal...
Nina Rima tells the stories of Sharon Cialona, Yusang Aguilera, Dalila Vallati, Martina Broglia, Syr...
Ashley, Brianna, Jade, Kayla and Lexi are five teenagers who must navigate the complexities of pregn...
Han In Sang and Seo Bom are young and in love, despite major differences in wealth and status. But a...
Dive is a two-part British television drama starring Aisling Loftus, Jack O'Connell and Gina McKee. ...
Bouquet of Barbed Wire explores the consequences of a father’s obsessive love for his daughter and h...
Tin is the third child of a family of seven people. The family is poor and lives in a small wooden h...
Miki Ichinose is a 14-year-old schoolgirl who is very outgoing and cheerful. She lives with her pare...
Amy and her friends at Grant High learn to define themselves while they navigate the perilous waters...
École Marie-Labrecque is a one-of-a-kind institution: The 60 girls who study at the school are all b...
Kuwazuru Mitsuki is a second year student at Arakawa Nishi High School. One day, her homeroom teache...
Pramface is a BBC Three television comedy series starring Scarlett Alice Johnson, Sean Michael Verey...
When a hacker begins releasing students' secrets to the entire high school, the socially isolated bu...
I Love the '80s is a decade nostalgia television program that was produced by VH1, based on the BBC ...
Maria da Graça Xuxa Meneghel, about to celebrate her 60th birthday and more than 40 years in the bus...