Kuwazuru Mitsuki is a second year student at Arakawa Nishi High School. One day, her homeroom teacher, Tachibana, suddenly announces the start of the "Letter Game", where every student has to write a letter with his/her true feelings to each of the classmates. However, the "letter" will not include the sender's name. At first, there were a lot of bad jokes and silly "letters", but they slowly accelerate to revealing secrets and confessions, which make everyone question, "Who is the sender?" and "Who will be named next?" This game allows the students to become more aware of each other's hidden worries and thoughts, which slowly deepens the bond among the classmates. Meanwhile, Mitsuki tries to search for the sender of the letter sent to her and she discovers a secret hidden in this "letter game".
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It is a story of David, a lost/stranded guy on an island who finds Simon, a companion, and they fall...
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During the winter, Yuichi was hospitalized due to hepatitis. Randomly he would try to escape from th...
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When his body needs a rest, Kinn's heart leads him to the colder climate of Northern Thailand. There...
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In a Girls' Vocational High School in Geoje, six students dream to win a dance sports competition.
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy...
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An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
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On Tine and Sarawat's second year as a couple, they face several circumstances that would test their...
A drama that follows the lives of a group of college students who are trying to figure themselves ou...