The story begins when high school student Kazuki Muto is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up in his school dorm, believing it to have been a dream; however, he soon finds out that dream wasn't a dream at all when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. Tokiko Tsumura, the girl he saved, explains that the monster is a homunculus. Kazuki had been attacked and killed by it when he was rescuing her; however, she, feeling responsible for him, revived him by placing a Kakugane medallion in his chest, serving as a replacement heart.
It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live i...
Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millenn...
Two assassins face off at a certain "workplace." The cool bounty hunter Chateau and the mysterious a...
Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This...
In an alternate history where the male population is nearly decimated, eligible men serve as concubi...
Chocolat Meilleure is a happy-going and optimistic girl. Together with her friend-cum-rival, Vanill...
Ginko, a Mushi master, travels from place to place researching the Mushi and helping people who are ...
What's a band to do with no fame and especially no sold-out arena to perform in? How can they grab t...
Meisuke Nueno (Ryuhei Maruyama) is the homeroom teacher of a 2nd grade 3 class in high school. He is...
As the war temporarily calms down and Edo rebuilds, Gintoki finds Shinpachi—who is still unaware of ...
Takuma isn’t the most exciting guy. He’s awkward, single, and does nothing but go to work and come h...
The corrupt pure-love story revolves around Kasuga Takao, a bookish boy who loves the poems of Charl...
Tokyo in the 1970s. Evil spirits are threatening the human world and the only ones who can stop them...
Before eradicating humankind from the world, the gods give them one last chance to prove themselves ...
As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is mired in darkness. But...
Tamahiko Shima has been exiled to the country because of his disability, but the sudden arrival of a...
Three months have passed since the Demon Lord was struck down, and the Demon Realm is holding a tour...
Three teenagers attempt to commit suicide and fail. When they wake up in the hospital, they learn th...
Shikimori seems like the perfect girlfriend: cute, fun to be around, sweet when she wants to be… but...
Chi is a sweet playful kitten who’s always full of energy. She lives with the loving Yamada family. ...