Home and Away is set in the fictional town of Summer Bay, a coastal town in New South Wales, and follows the personal and professional lives of the people living in the area. The show initially focused on the Fletcher family, Pippa and Tom Fletcher and their five foster children Frank Morgan, Carly Morris, Steven Matheson, Lynn Davenport and Sally Keating, who would go on to become one of the show's longest-running characters. The show also originally and currently focuses on the Stewart family. During the early 2000s, the central storylines focused on the Sutherlands and later, the Hunters. Home and Away had proved popular when it premiered in 1988 and had risen to become a hit in Australia, and after only a few weeks, the show tackled its first major and disturbing storyline, the rape of Carly Morris; it was one of the first shows to feature such storylines during the early timeslot. H&A has tackled many adult-themed and controversial storylines; something rarely found in its restricted timeslot.
Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica...
Blue Water High is an Australian television drama series, broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting C...
A Colombian snob forays into the uncharted territories of dirty politics and true love while attempt...
Acapulco H.E.A.T. is a 1993 syndicated television series that followed the Hemisphere Emergency Acti...
Maria Eduarda "Duda" Pinheiro is a successful top model. After being hired to model Covery brand clo...
The murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the...
Set in a quiet town where locals and summer visitors mingle, and relationships change as quickly as ...
Two women's paths cross when they are both in the middle of their personal crossroads. Will they fin...
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
Bradin, Nikki and Derrick are 3 kids from an average normal Kansas household. Their whole life is th...
Coastal Dreams is a 24-episode online soap opera produced by NBC in 2007. The series stars Danica S...
Four passionate women with diverse backgrounds pursue their dreams of becoming professional surfers....
Comedy, set during the 1930s, of social rivalry between two women in a small English town. New arriv...
Join King as he journeys through the highly traditional town of Marahuyo, meeting new friends and fi...
Sun is a debt collector unable to successfully collect a debt. Thai is a new debt collector, his riv...
2000 Malibu Road is a prime time American soap opera that aired on CBS in the summer of 1992. The se...
Chopper Squad is an Australian television series produced by the Reg Grundy Organisation for the 0-1...
Join the Baywatch lifeguards on their thrilling adventures filled with beautiful beaches and those i...