Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica Police Department who patrolled its beaches on bicycles. The show ran for five seasons on the USA Network, from March 2, 1996 to April 9, 2000, with a total of one hundred and one episodes. Often compared as "Baywatch on bikes," the series enjoyed a popular run among the Network's viewers, and was popular in France, Israel, Sweden, Bulgaria, Norway, Spain, Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy, South America, Canada, Denmark, Poland, and other foreign markets.
CSI: Miami follows Crime Scene Investigators working for the Miami-Dade Police Department as they us...
Based on a true story, this family-friendly series follows the adventures of a young, hearing impair...
Tequila and Bonetti is an American comedy-drama series
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unc...
A veteran detective who is about to retire unfolds a breathtaking psychological warfare with a myste...
The mystery of how Kazama Kimichika became so ruthless and unmatched will be revealed. Kyojo Zero d...
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characte...
The exploits of a group of men and women who serve the City of New York as police officers, firemen,...
Sledge Hammer! is an American satirical police sitcom produced by New World Television that ran for ...
Naoto detective Jiban fights for justice against Bioron and his evil plans to conquer the world.
In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the...
Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This d...
A Colombian snob forays into the uncharted territories of dirty politics and true love while attempt...
Each episode of this series, set in contemporary Los Angeles, examines one crime from many different...
Acapulco H.E.A.T. is a 1993 syndicated television series that followed the Hemisphere Emergency Acti...
Hungary's favorite influencers arrive at a prestigious awards ceremony in Tihany to find out who has...
An unexpected event comes to disturb the seemingly calm life of a strong society. The tracks of a sc...
After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser ...
Sergeant Thomas Jefferson Hooker is a tough-as-nails veteran police officer with the LCPD who turns ...