“Hit It Off” is a captivating reality show that pairs up actors to undergo intensive training and enhance their acting skills. Over a dozen talented young actors coexist in a shared living space, showcasing to the audience the behind-the-scenes reality of an actor's life. Throughout their journey, the participants engage in daily activities that allow them to forge deeper connections with their fellow actors. Each individual enters the show with the goal of finding their ideal screen partner, delivering exceptional performances, and solidifying their commitment to becoming outstanding performers. In the grand finale, a panel of one hundred esteemed audience members will have the privilege of determining which team deserves the coveted title of “The Best Screen Partners".
"Detective College", as a derivative of the fifth season of "Who's the Murderer", is a star reasonin...
10 artists from GMMTV, must live together under the same roof. They have to carry out exciting missi...
Safe House follows the lives of eight GMMTV artists morning to night as they live under one roof and...
Documentary series that celebrates the incredible careers of the best of British talent.
The Nations' Big Three is a South Korean cooking-variety program which has been broadcast since Augu...
The most enviable suitors of the country: young and successful actors, singers, businessmen, sports ...
Team of chefs vie to impress some of the world's toughest palates as they whip up iconic dishes from...
In an abandoned land where no one lives anymore, 8 entertainers build the ultimate utopia. A new-gen...
A new show that’s searching for the next teen K-pop star, and it invites the contestants’ parents to...
Spreading the flavours and goodness of K-Food to the world - one lunch tray at a time!
Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who hav...