Set in Mexico City, the series follows the adventures of the eponymous wrestler in the role of a superhero who must try to stop the plans of Dr. Clone, an evil scientist. He is determined once again to kill him and creates clones based on his old enemies (thanks to their DNA), and use them to dominate the world.
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatu...
A family of friendly monsters that have misadventures all while never quite understanding why people...
An MI6 deputy's bright future takes a sharp turn after a reunion with a Russian spy forces him to qu...
Legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand must navigate the galaxy’s underworld w...
The series shows how meditation can help in your daily life. From tackling stress to embracing grati...
Groovie Goolies is an American animated television show that original ran on network television betw...
Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic...
Two friends in a futuristic Nigeria discover secrets and dangers hidden in their different worlds.
Takeshi Yamato, a twenty-two-year-old young man lives a double life. During the daytime, he is a roo...
A murder has happened in an isolated pension. Igarashi Ikki, together with his devil partner Vice, a...
In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds h...
Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the onl...
Hidden within Kyoto is the "mirror capital" where youkai and humans live together and no one ever di...
A journey into the fearsome Galactic Empire through the eyes of two warriors on divergent paths.
A being of light hailing from a faraway galaxy unites with Yuma, the protagonist who owns tremendous...
The story of the first manned flight into space, supervised by Professor Bernard Quatermass of the B...
Æon Flux is set in a bizarre, dystopian future world. The title character is a tall, leather-clad se...
Three millennia after the first invasion of the Space Pirates Barban, a new set of Gingamen — Hyuuga...
With the growing threat of viral epidemic and the possibility of worldwide environmental catastrophe...
¡Mucha Lucha! is an American-Canadian animated television series created by Eddie Mort and Lili Chin...