Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop was an animated television series created by Tony Barnes and produced by PMMP. The show originally aired on TF1 and it was later dubbed for English audiences as well; even the show's title got a name change. It aired in the United Kingdom on ITV; starting June 16, 1994 and finishing August 27, 1998, the show ran for five seasons. The show also aired on Bulgarian National Television from 1997 until 2000, and became very popular. A comic strip version of the show was included in Buster magazine from September 1994 to November 1996. The series was later repeated on Nickelodeon in the early 2000s until 2004, and had sporadic reruns on ordinary TV from 1999 until 2001.
After graduating from high school, Natsuko Hirose starts her career as an animator. Her talent quick...
Groovie Goolies is an American animated television show that original ran on network television betw...
The mysterious, delicious world of CooKingdom, which rules over all the cuisine in this world. CooKi...
Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millenn...
Outside the magical barriers lies a world overrun by fiery beasts known as Flame Demons, and the onl...
Hidden within Kyoto is the "mirror capital" where youkai and humans live together and no one ever di...
Libra City is a sprawling metropolis whose districts split the rich and the poor. Hiding among the p...
Kenzou Tenma, a Japanese brain surgeon in Germany, finds his life in utter turmoil after getting inv...
“Dear diary… I got reincarnated as a slime.” Even in another world, lives aren’t always on the line...
The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a ...
In a futuristic-medieval world, warriors must find and defeat all the monsters on Battle Island, col...
In the world of Remnant, a place where science and fairy tales coexist, human civilization is plague...
Optimistic Hiori can’t turn away anyone in need. Awkward Ruka can’t make friends, even when she trie...
Set in Mexico City, the series follows the adventures of the eponymous wrestler in the role of a sup...
Beans, a Gen Z kid, is sent to a newly gentrified and urban hell, where he works as Devil's social m...
The skilled hunter Kikuru Madan has decided to retire out of fear of wasting his youth. One day, a g...
Al Wayne loves farming — and we don’t mean the video game sim. He wants to be a literal farmer, but ...
The anime is set in the birthplace of the popular card game Rush Duel, Mutsuba-cho. Twins Yūhi and Y...
Elle and her son Rowan are on the run. Is this twisted mother and son relationship a bizarre case of...
When Hikaru Hoshina transforms into Cure Star, she embarks on an outer space adventure to find the r...