Hollywood Squares is an American panel game show, in which two contestants play tic-tac-toe to win c...
Contestants strive to correctly answer difficult trivia questions. And when they can't, they simply ...
With the help of a team of experts and friends, two families compete to design, construct and decora...
A game show created in the United Kingdom, in which contestants attempt to answer general knowledge ...
Property Ladder is the original British version of the television series Property Ladder. Hosted by ...
Princess is a Canadian television series hosted by Gail Vaz-Oxlade that premiered in 2010. The progr...
Help! My House is Falling Down is a Channel 4 show hosted by Sarah Beeny. She and her team of expert...
FAME, MONEY, POWER, SEX!! Yes!!! This is the dream of America! Las Vegas, New York, Miami, Los Angel...
Brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott help home buyers to purchase renovation projects.
THE BRIEFCASE features hard-working American families experiencing financial setbacks who are presen...
Hosted by Suzanne Whang, the show takes viewers behind the scenes as individuals, couples and famili...
Who do you turn to when a home renovation job goes horribly awry? Spike’s original docu-reality seri...
Featuring renovation expert Carter Oosterhouse who leads three teams as they battle it out to transf...
Real-life cousins Anthony Carrino and John Colaneri seek out deserving neighborhood heroes then surp...
Daryl Hall certainly has a passion for music, having produced hit after hit as the co-founder and le...
From the steps of the courthouse to the "oohs" and "aahs" of an open house, five teams of expert fli...