Property Ladder is the original British version of the television series Property Ladder. Hosted by Sarah Beeny, it follows the journey of amateur property developers as they set out to make a life changing profit from renovating challenging houses. The show underwent a change in format during 2004 and now features two developments per episode rather than one. In early 2009, Channel 4 announced that a new series was to be shown, starting on 9 June, it is the first to be filmed in a struggling market and has been re-titled Property Snakes and Ladders.
Brazil’s Fab Five use their knowledge of well-being, style, grooming, design and culture to transfor...
Jonathan, who has renovated more than 200 houses, as step by step he carefully preserves the origina...
Sarah Beeny visits twenty households to experience their problem spaces for herself before installin...
Four teams are given eight weeks to turn run-down beach properties into a dream vacation homes in th...
Troy Dean Shafer remodels houses primarily from the 1800's and early 1900's, restoring original feat...
For one innovative Colorado deck and landscape company, outdoor living is art and they’ll show you h...
Follows Kim Wolfe as she helps homeowners to reinvent their homes.
Families from around the UK swap homes with strangers to experience new lifestyles.
A Canadian reality television show in which a group of contestants, known as "house guests", are seq...
Maureen McCormick and designer Dan Vickery overhaul homes that are stuck in a design time warp.
Nicole Curtis is back to rescue overwhelmed do-it-yourselfers in Detroit who feel they're out of opt...
Three couples are pitted against each other in a 13-week home remodeling competition that will ultim...
Property renovator Simon O'Brien charts the stories of brave homeowners who are risking everything t...
Make My House Bigger follows bold homeowners with ambitious plans to gain an extra room or two. Pack...