The events revolve around a member of an extremist terrorist group called Al Zafer, who is trying to...
In this docuseries, journalist Ahmed Al-Shugairi highlights recent developments in Saudi Arabia's di...
Fed up with his wife’s distancing from him, Hadi goes on a business trip to Turkey where he meets a ...
A few Kuwaiti students leave in the 50's to the University of Cairo in Egypt, the land of art and op...
Zain; a mechanic struggles to live an honest life with his mother, his fiancée and her siblings. His...
Innocent people find themselves hostages whose lives are controlled by Kalashnikov rifles, and there...
After more than twenty years, the three daughters of Qasim gather to attend condolences on his death...
After Jaber travels from Upper Egypt to Cairo because of revenge, fate throws him in the path of Moh...
Galal persuades his cousin Safia, a widowed university professor, to become the mayor of Tel Shabour...
Raouf discovers that he is unhappy and dissatisfied with his life with his wife Shireen, so he decid...
Taking place in Kanto market, the events follow the lives of the market's people, the most important...
The series revolves around real facts, represented by the 101 Battalion's valor in confronting the t...
Rivalries over power and wealth escalate between two families in the hamlet of Abdul Jabbar, and con...
The life of a father-to-be is turned upside down when news of his wife’s pregnancy inadvertently set...
After the deaths of his parents dealt him a terrible blow, an aspiring boxer decides to channel his ...