The events revolve around a member of an extremist terrorist group called Al Zafer, who is trying to carry out a number of terrorist operations in Egypt, but he gets pursued by the security services.
A forty-year-old widow whose teenage son disappears, so she begins a journey to search for him and d...
In a dramatic context, the lives of grandfather (Younis) and his granddaughter, who has Down syndrom...
Its events take place in the Nubia and Qomola regions in Upper Egypt and deals with women's rights, ...
The events of the series revolve around a true story, about Shaima. She is a girl who comes from a s...
The baker Qissa(Rawan Mahdi) and a young man talented in playing football Zad(Alexander Uloom) live ...
When a murder brings them together, Hussein and Ali, who have just discovered that they are brothers...
Rivalries over power and wealth escalate between two families in the hamlet of Abdul Jabbar, and con...
The life of a father-to-be is turned upside down when news of his wife’s pregnancy inadvertently set...
After the deaths of his parents dealt him a terrible blow, an aspiring boxer decides to channel his ...
Muharib is the life story of a young man coming from Upper Egypt, who lives with his family in Cairo...
After Jaber travels from Upper Egypt to Cairo because of revenge, fate throws him in the path of Moh...
The series follows the issues of displaced Iraqis and the difficult and harsh conditions they suffer...
Galal persuades his cousin Safia, a widowed university professor, to become the mayor of Tel Shabour...
The events of the Amir Al-Awamri series revolve around the struggles of the upper class in society a...