A silhouette animation anthology TV series conceived, written and directed by Michel Ocelot and real...
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows o...
The horrible truths behind Japanese Fairy Tales from the ancient times are finally revealed!
Saiyūki is a 2006 Japanese historical TV drama based on the 16th Century Chinese novel Journey to th...
"The Legend of Love" is a 20 episode drama by Television Broadcasts Limited, released overseas in Ju...
A mermaid from the Joseon period ends up in present-day Seoul, where she crosses paths with a swindl...
History as we generally know it is full of holes or half-truths, and a mother lode of juicy details ...
The unlikely friendship between Merlin, a young man gifted with extraordinary magical powers, and Pr...
In Gusinakhon, there was a king named Gosutum. He had three sons: the eldest was named Gomes, the se...
Dragons and Princesses is a 2010 French computer animation television program written, storyboarded ...
A series of 8 one-act dramas. It is the continuation of a classic series of ghost stories which aire...