Dragons and Princesses is a 2010 French computer animation television program written, storyboarded and directed by Michel Ocelot and produced at Studio O for Canal+. It is a fairy tale anthology series of ten further 13-minute episodes in the format established in Ciné si. Five of the episodes are edited, with a feature-exclusive sixth, into the 2011 stereoscopic compilation movie Tales of the Night.
Head back to the mammal metropolis to dive deeper into the lives of a slew of intriguing residents.
Imaginative boy Ben transforms his city by bringing colorful street art to life, armed with a magic ...
Mickey and his friends Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and ...
An innocent toddler’s boundless curiosity -- and extraordinary might -- lead to mischief and adventu...
The horrible truths behind Japanese Fairy Tales from the ancient times are finally revealed!
Every good deed is one for this team of kids. Niah, Ari, Ellie and Jax go undercover to help others ...
After Ben's coronation in Descendants, the villain kids Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay settle in at being...
The Outclub goes on a journey! The Outdoor Activities Club, AKA the Outclub, has 3 members. In the c...
Kit Secord receives a surprise package on her birthday revealing that she's next in line to become t...
A government agency recruits teen driver Tony Toretto and his thrill-seeking friends to infiltrate a...
Welcome to Berry Bitty City, a berry special little world under the leaves of a berry patch. It may ...
Find the fun and adventure of "Spirit Riding Free" in this mix of music videos and short episodes fe...
A silhouette animation anthology TV series conceived, written and directed by Michel Ocelot and real...
A facetious donkey accompanies 30 traditional French songs and nursery rhymes. Handwritten text appe...