This is a children knowledge show. There are three animated figures: Theo (a blue question mark), Tess (a red exclamation mark) and Quentin (a yellow full stop), who are "the hosts" of this show. They introduce the show and entertain the young audience. The second part shows several small segments of documentaries, which explains simply for kids. The several topics are nature, animals, history and technics.
Posting up at a local watering hole in Roswell, New Mexico, a town infamous for its UFO past, Horowi...
Berlin, Berlin is a television series produced for the ARD. It aired in Germany from 2002 to 2005 Tu...
12 friends travel together to Italy over the summer and experience various small adventures and ever...
The show focuses on high schools that hold yo-yo contests. The schools organize teams and participat...
A spirit of a middle school dropout gangster who accidentally possesses an 18-year-old boy’s body wh...
The story of a 15-year-old junior high school student. Hiroshi transfers from a private school to a ...
Six outsiders learn the only way to survive school is by sticking together. But can you ever really ...
He Peijin, a housewife, after quietly contributing to the family for nearly two decades, her husband...
A story that follows two people's brave pursuit of love from their campus days to their humble begin...
Summer 1996. While chasing after a bicycle thief, Yang Xi hurts her leg and therefore can’t particip...
Gao Yang does not get along with his father Gao Bin since young, despite being brought up solely by ...
Follow the lives and romantic pursuits of four high school boys, who all have no experience with rom...
Zhou Yuan is a martial arts prodigy who will fall seriously ill if she starts to form emotional atta...
Mare is an elementary school student. She lives with her family in the city, but, right before her f...
Set in Beijing in the 1970s, this drama tells an inspirational story of how a group of young people ...
A young woman leaves Ho Chi Minh City to start a new career. She has to face many problems in a new ...
When children are unwanted by their parents, they are sent to the best boarding school in the countr...
The customer is king at Joseon's largest inn where four interns from different walks of life share e...