Popetown is a controversial animated sitcom, billed by its producers as "Father Ted meets South Park", following the doodles and scribblings of a student at school during a lesson. His drawings depict the life of Father Nicholas, who lives in a Vatican City parody referred to as "Popetown". He is charged with being the handler for the Pope who is a complete nincompoop with the emotional and mental maturity of a four-year-old. Father Nicholas must keep the Pope out of trouble, and make sure the general public does not find out that the Holy Father is a drooling idiot. Other characters include a priest who is a sexual deviant, and a trio of corrupt cardinals who secretly run Popetown and attempt to get rich behind the Pope's back. These and other elements caused the show to be extremely controversial.
National politics causes wild small town drama in the Natty Light-chugging, grocery store parking lo...
The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after be...
A series of pop-culture parodies using stop-motion animation of toys, action figures and dolls. The ...
This action and adventure comedy is drawn in simple appearance and combines cute forest animals with...
Together with Cornfed, his portly, porcine partner in crime solving, this defective detective amazin...
Father Dowling Mysteries is an American television mystery series that aired from January 20, 1989 t...
In the middle of a quiet suburb, a power-hungry pre-teen dreams of making her cookie selling troop t...
Father of the Pride is an American animated television series that began broadcasting on NBC on Augu...
Setsuna, a High School student, not only has to deal with bullies and more then appropiate feelings ...
Set in Springfield, the average American town, the show focuses on the antics and everyday adventure...
The series focuses on an eccentric motley crew that is the Smith family and their three housemates: ...
Sick, twisted, politically incorrect and Freakin' Sweet animated series featuring the adventures of ...
A surreal take on transitioning from 20-something to 30-something centering on a married couple jugg...
The infamous Danny Doom and ambitious bartender, Lhandi, pour beers across a desolate wasteland in t...
Lucy is the 21 year old daughter of Satan in this dark comedy.
Amen is an American television sitcom produced by Carson Productions that ran from September 27, 198...
Former high school lab partners Marshall and Frances begin to unravel a conspiracy involving big pha...
Elle and her son Rowan are on the run. Is this twisted mother and son relationship a bizarre case of...
A single mother of two struggles to run a haunted hotel with the help of her estranged brother, who ...
Bob and Margaret is a Canadian/UK animated television series that was also shown in the United State...