Father Dowling Mysteries is an American television mystery series that aired from January 20, 1989 to May 2, 1991. Prior to the series, a TV movie aired on November 30, 1987. For its first season, the show was on NBC; it moved to ABC for its last two seasons. It is based on the adventures of the title character created by Ralph McInerny, in a series of mystery novels. The series was produced by The Fred Siverman Company and Dean Hargrove Productions in association with Viacom Productions.
CSI: Miami follows Crime Scene Investigators working for the Miami-Dade Police Department as they us...
Happy Hour is a sitcom that debuted on Fox in the United States and on CTV in Canada on September 7,...
Gary Hobson thinks he may even be losing his mind when tomorrow's newspaper mysteriously arrives tod...
A veteran detective who is about to retire unfolds a breathtaking psychological warfare with a myste...
A detective in a small Pennsylvania town investigates a local murder while trying to keep her life f...
Joanie Loves Chachi is an American television spin-off of the American sitcom Happy Days that was or...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
Pan, a desolate plastic surgeon, lived a repetitive and boring life every day until a conspiracy hap...
Strange occurrences afflict a group of people after they purchase items on a shopping website from t...
Shy bookstore clerk Kosuke Mikado has the ability to see ghosts and spirits, an ability he wishes he...
The Ghost Busters was a live-action children's television series that ran in 1975, about a team of b...
Ripley Holden is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art am...
"Detective College", as a derivative of the fifth season of "Who's the Murderer", is a star reasonin...
Genius detective Nero Wolfe and his right-hand man, Archie Goodwin, solve seemingly impossible crime...
A murder has happened in an isolated pension. Igarashi Ikki, together with his devil partner Vice, a...
The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at S...
Ten’ikai General Hospital’s Supervisory Department of Diagnostic Pathology handles cases other physi...