Part documentary, part historical drama, this series follows the fortunes of the different members of the Boleyn family, ultimately made notorious for daughter Anne’s marriage to Henry VIII and execution.
The Tudors is a history-based drama series following the young, vibrant King Henry VIII, a competiti...
Historian Dr Helen Castor explores the lives of seven English queens who challenged male power, the ...
The Hundred Years’ war between England and France gave us the victories of Crecy and Agincourt, and ...
Jonathan Meades gives a personal perspective of British history.
Taking a 'bottom-up' view of history by exploring everyday lives of the nations ordinary people.
In this unique take on British history, Professor Alice Roberts explores Britain's rich and varied p...
Henry VIII is the most infamous monarch in English history. Famously he married six times over his 3...
A poor boy named Tom Canty and Edward, the Prince of Wales exchange identities but events force the ...
This two-part series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexua...
The comedian explores the British isles in her vintage camper van, Helen, taking in some dramatic sc...
This historical mini-series documents the reign of Elizabeth I with each episode focusing on one dra...
Tracy Borman tells the story of the downfall of Henry VIII's second wife, charting her arrest, trial...
Historical evocation of Ludwig, king of Bavaria, from his crowning in 1864 until his death in 1886, ...
Series looking at the British genius for woodwork over the centuries.
England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the King dies without a male heir, the country...
Lucy Worsley, chief curator at Historic Royal Palaces, explores how the physical and mental health o...
The gripping, decades-spanning inside story of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Prime Minister...
This 2-part documentary series reveals the truth about King Edward VIII's affair with American divor...
Lucy Worsley re-investigates some of the most dramatic chapters in British history. She uncovers for...
Historian Dan Snow charts the defining role the Royal Navy played in Britain's struggle for modernit...