The Normans is a British television documentary series first aired on BBC Two in 2010. Over three episodes, it sees Professor Robert Bartlett's journey from Great Britain via Jerusalem to the Kingdom of Sicily to examine the expansion and ambition of the Normans between the 10th and 13th centuries.
In this unique take on British history, Professor Alice Roberts explores Britain's rich and varied p...
Seven Ages of Britain is a BBC television documentary series which is written and presented by David...
Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain is a 2009 BBC documentary television series presented by ...
The Hundred Years’ war between England and France gave us the victories of Crecy and Agincourt, and ...
History series telling the glorious and gory story of the city's rise to power.
Jonathan Meades gives a personal perspective of British history.
This two-part series profiles Princess Margaret, whose life and loves reflected the social and sexua...
Tracy Borman reveals the intimate details of the monarchs, to find out what really went on in their ...
Series looking at the British genius for woodwork over the centuries.
A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from an...
Taking a 'bottom-up' view of history by exploring everyday lives of the nations ordinary people.
The history of the European peasantry, which has undergone many upheavals over the centuries: from i...
Through this three part series Art Historian Dr Janina Ramirez tells the story of the Medieval monar...
Historian Dan Jones explores the millennium of history behind six of Great Britain's most famous cas...
On the edge of London stands Hampton Court, one of Britain's biggest palaces and most popular touris...
In this blend of historical drama and original source material, the story of this decisive year is r...
This 2-part documentary series reveals the truth about King Edward VIII's affair with American divor...
Historian Dan Snow charts the defining role the Royal Navy played in Britain's struggle for modernit...
Lucy Worsley, chief curator at Historic Royal Palaces, explores how the physical and mental health o...