Days That Shook the World is a British documentary television series that premiered on BBC Two on 17 September 2003. The programme features various milestones throughout history. It has been broadcast on the BBC, Discovery Channel UK, The History Channel and Viasat History. The series was also released on DVD by the Polish edition of Newsweek in 2007.
With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to ...
Designed in partnership with HISTORY and using a distinctly European perspective, this series offers...
When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian ...
How, from the 1920s to the present day, financial power has gradually strengthened a hidden alliance...
HistoryMarche delves into the tactics, strategies, and impacts of historical battles, bringing them ...
Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hol...
It's about human history, how humans shaped the world we live in. A history through cultures and civ...
Anthropologist and author Richard Rudgley sets off on an epic journey back in time and around the wo...
Reveals the facts behind battles we know barely anything about. Digging deep into the archives and q...
The history of mankind from prehistoric times to the 20th century.
Natural history series focusing on the spectacular scenery and indigenous wildlife of Russia. The te...
Ex-Special Forces soldier Jason Fox used to hunt drug lords for a living. Now, he heads unarmed into...
De kijk van Koolhoven is a six part series of movie lectures given by director and cinephile Martin ...
An examination of how America’s changing style through the decades has mirrored the political, socia...
The holidays are meant to be a time of festive cheer when family and friends come together to celebr...
Actress Megan Fox has peeked behind the curtain of some of these ancient sites, igniting an insatiab...