Once Upon a Time… Man is a French animated TV series from 1978 directed by Albert Barillé. It is the first in the Once Upon a Time... franchise. The series explains world history in a format designed for children. The action focuses around one group. The same familiar characters appear in all episodes as they deal with the problems of their time. The series' opening and ending title sequences famously used Johann Sebastian Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor as the main title theme music. Shortening the piece to only 2 minutes in length, the introduction uses the very beginning, which jumps into the start of the middle section and finally the dramatic ending to coincide with the destruction of Earth at the end of the intro.
Days That Shook the World is a British documentary television series that premiered on BBC Two on 17...
Reveals the facts behind battles we know barely anything about. Digging deep into the archives and q...
When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian ...
With the 00s now firmly in our rear view mirror, the decade is ripe for re-evaluation. From 9/11 to ...
Tracy Borman reveals the intimate details of the monarchs, to find out what really went on in their ...
Anthropologist and author Richard Rudgley sets off on an epic journey back in time and around the wo...
HistoryMarche delves into the tactics, strategies, and impacts of historical battles, bringing them ...
Historian Dan Jones explores the millennium of history behind six of Great Britain's most famous cas...
A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from an...
Myths die hard, and the history of the 20th century is no exception to this rule. Even today, we hol...
The Normans is a British television documentary series first aired on BBC Two in 2010. Over three ep...
How, from the 1920s to the present day, financial power has gradually strengthened a hidden alliance...
It's about human history, how humans shaped the world we live in. A history through cultures and civ...
Mythos is a three-part documentary that consists of a series of lectures given by Joseph Campbell. C...
In the turbulent formative centuries of early Europe, power-hungry family dynasties fought for domin...
Rageh Omaar visits Spain, Sicily and France to discover the history of Islam in Europe