Catchphrase is a British game show based on the short-lived U.S. game show of the same name. It orig...
Hollywood Squares is an American panel game show, in which two contestants play tic-tac-toe to win c...
This game show sees contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash an...
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.
Footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced in...
In a society that puts the spotlight on the smart guys only, there are people who do not have a grai...
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
GamesMaster was a British television show, screened on Channel 4 from 1992 to 1998, and was the firs...
The Mole is a reality television game show which was originally created in 1999 by Woestijnvis. It w...
American version of the tense gameshow where contestants tackle a series of multiple-choice question...
Two families go head to head as they try to name the post popular answer to survey-based questions p...
Nail-biting children's game show combining mental and physical challenges and a big slice of luck