Making the Band 2 aired on MTV from October 19, 2002 to April 29, 2004. It centered around the creat...
Making the Band is an ABC/MTV reality television series that exists in separate iterations, each ite...
The Pussycat Dolls Present is an American reality TV series that premiered on March 6, 2007 on The C...
Making the Band 4 aired on MTV from June 18, 2007 to April 23, 2009. It centers on Diddy search for ...
Follows a fictionalized version of the life of American rock musician Chris Isaak. The show portrays...
The Young Person's Guide to Becoming a Rock Star is a British comedy series, which aired on Channel ...
The series revolves around the life of Camilo and Juancho, two friends who work in the maestro Guzmá...
Misaki decides to join the Brass Band Club having heard of its prestigious past from her father, a f...
Totally Frank was a comedy drama series with a real life band as its stars on Channel 4. It followed...
Biography of the singers who formed the hit Motown musical act, The Temptations.
When Yip Chi-Yan, Lau Chun-Hung, Sung Yee-Long, and Cheng Chun-Hin are brought together again by an ...
What can be said about Yacht Rock that hasn't been said by various magazines, newspapers and disc jo...
Live Through This is a teen drama broadcast on MTV during the 2000–2001 season, though cancelled aft...
Cachitos de hierro y cromo is a Spanish musical-themed documentary program, directed by Jero Rodrígu...
Four music students who are part of a Rock band try to enter the business.
Dominating the world of indie music, Detroit Metal City (DMC) is a popular death metal band known fo...
The series explored the history of rock music and gave instruction in popular performance techniques...
Yuu Haruna, a loner and an avid Twitter user, has just transferred to a new school in Tokyo. He ends...
Butch Cassidy was a Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1973 for NBC. ...