Moonlight Mask (aka Gekko Kamen), is a black and white tokusatsu TV drama series, produced by the advertising agency Senkosha and was aired on KRTV (now TBS) from February 24, 1958 to July 5, 1959, with a total of 130 (or 131) episodes, divided into 5 segments. Since the original show, Gekko Kamen has gained the popularity of being the first Japanese live action television superhero, appearing in films and TV shows well past the length of the original series.
Space Sentinels is a Saturday morning animated series produced by Filmation which debuted on the Ame...
Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, the Human Torch, and the Thing battle some of their greatest ...
Four turtles fall into the sewers and are befriended by Hamato Yoshi a Japanese man sent to New York...
Pan, a desolate plastic surgeon, lived a repetitive and boring life every day until a conspiracy hap...
Strange occurrences afflict a group of people after they purchase items on a shopping website from t...
Kawauchi Miyabi was once a promising neurosurgeon, but an accident caused damage to Miyabi's brain. ...
Six agriculture students travel north to Hokkaido for first-hand training and experience in a farm s...
The Ghost Busters was a live-action children's television series that ran in 1975, about a team of b...
Ripley Holden is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art am...
Birdman and the Galaxy Trio is an animated science fiction television series created by Alex Toth an...
One of the anime projects to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Precure franchise, this sequel ...
After discovering he's a clone, an ordinary boy Genpei is unexpectedly thrust into a galaxy-spanning...
Riders on a commuter train get an earthquake warning on their cellphones. Cars lurch as electric spa...
During an experiment gone bad, radiation turns a scientist into a raging green behemoth whenever he ...
Tormented and bedridden by a debilitating disease, a mystery writer relives his detective stories th...
Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in Sept...
Teenagers Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Spike fight for a world that fears...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
Naoto detective Jiban fights for justice against Bioron and his evil plans to conquer the world.