Rescue 77 is an American television series about the professional and personal lives of paramedics i...
Les Invincibles is a comedy/drama television series from Radio-Canada produced by Casablanca Product...
In a Heartbeat was a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff con...
Following an unforeseeable tragedy, the inhabitants of the small community of Lac Sabin have to lear...
Les Belles Histoires des pays d'en haut is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on Radio-...
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team investigate a series of perplexing murders, in the seemi...
Ruth Clarke, a tough, supremely competent middle-aged Canadian maple syrup farmer has had it with be...
A story that follows Mi Ka, a new resident at the hospital who meets special ops agent Xing Kelei du...
Marigaby is a medical student by day—and by night, she saves lives with her family in Mexico City's ...
Omertà or Omertà, The Code of Silence is a Quebec television series of 11 forty-five minute episodes...
A 37-year-old teacher falls for the charms of a student 20 years younger, causing a family crisis an...
The exploits of a group of men and women who serve the City of New York as police officers, firemen,...
Doctors recount the most memorable cases they’ve ever encountered. Unusual, touching, humorous or li...
Extraordinary-but-true stories of past relationships that went seriously awry are detailed, when one...