In a Heartbeat was a Disney Channel Original Series inspired by real life EMT squads whose staff consists of high school students located all over the country. The series follows the lives of several teenagers who volunteer as part-time EMTs while going to school and trying to maintain their lives as normal teenagers. In Canada, the series was aired on Family Channel while in the United States it was aired on the Disney Channel. The series is based on Post 53, a real EMT emergency response program run by high school students in Darien, CT.
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
Eddie Sutton is a dedicated police officer, his wife Jenn, a devoted nurse, but their most important...
During the winter, Yuichi was hospitalized due to hepatitis. Randomly he would try to escape from th...
The Adventures of Shirley Holmes is a Canadian mystery TV series that originally aired from 1997 to ...
Hope and Glory is a BBC television drama about a comprehensive school struggling with financial, sta...
When Kang Bok-Soo was a high school student, he was falsely accused of committing violence and kicke...
In a Girls' Vocational High School in Geoje, six students dream to win a dance sports competition.
Based in Jacksonville, Oregon in the year 1992, life changes for the worst. People start going crazy...
Ultra-competitive fraternal twins Lindy and Logan Watson, together with their four best friends, nav...
Rescue 77 is an American television series about the professional and personal lives of paramedics i...
Scully was a British television drama with some comedy elements set in the city of Liverpool, Englan...
In this musical comedy, optimistic high school teacher Will Schuester tries to refuel his own passio...
When children are unwanted by their parents, they are sent to the best boarding school in the countr...
The death of his parents forces a seven-year-old boy named Seo Hae Bom to move in with an adoptive f...
Student Bodies is a syndicated television comedy program that was produced in Montreal, Quebec, Cana...
Naturally, Sadie is a Canadian comedy teen drama sitcom that ran for three seasons from June 24, 200...
An unexpected pregnancy complicates the lives of two families. The series centers around Oly, an amb...
Set in Qingdao from the 1990s to the early 2000s, the drama follows the ups and downs of Chen Yiduo,...
A crossover drama with NTV drama “Saiko no Kyoshi”. Where Saiko no Kyoshi focuses on Class 3-D, “Sai...