The Aquanauts is an American adventure/drama series that aired on CBS in the 1960-1961 season. The series stars Keith Larsen, Jeremy Slate and Ron Ely.
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characte...
Each episode of this series, set in contemporary Los Angeles, examines one crime from many different...
Set during the 18th century Napoleonic Wars, Horatio Hornblower, a young and shy midshipman, rises t...
Eddie Sutton is a dedicated police officer, his wife Jenn, a devoted nurse, but their most important...
Legmen is an American drama series that aired on NBC on Friday nights from January 20, 1984 to March...
Gavilan is an American 1982 TV series directed by Corey Allen that aired on NBC.
Pacific Blue is an American crime drama series about a team of police officers with the Santa Monica...
Falcon Crest is an American primetime television soap opera which aired on the CBS network for nine ...
Archer is a short-lived American crime drama series starring Brian Keith and John P. Ryan that aired...
After seeing an ad for a midwife, a recently divorced big-city nurse moves to the redwood forests of...
After his mother's death, Jed Perry and his father move to northern California, where Jed enrolls at...
In a fantastical and magical undersea world, where a team of Mermicorno (enchanting half-Unicorno/ha...
Adrian Monk was once a rising star with the San Francisco Police Department, legendary for using unc...
Serial monogamist Brian O'Hara hits his mid-30s and suddenly realizes he's the last bachelor standin...
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
Every era has an individual that begins a journey seeking the way of the road. The numerous adventur...
Fury is an American western television series that aired on NBC from 1955 to1960. It stars Peter Gra...
Follow the lives of a group of teenagers living in the upscale, star-studded community of Beverly Hi...
Bradin, Nikki and Derrick are 3 kids from an average normal Kansas household. Their whole life is th...
The sole survivor of a lost whaling ship relates the tale of his captain's self-destructive obsessio...