Thirteen-year-old Takao Kinomiya (Tyson Granger), along with his fellow teammates, Kai Hiwatari, Max...
Screechers Wild is a Chinese-American animated series, produced by Alpha Group in coproduction with ...
Follow the adventures of Dan Kouzo and his best friends: the first kids on Earth to bond with the my...
While at summer camp, seven kids are transported to a strange digital world. In this new world they ...
The anime centers around a boy named Kouta Kouka (Kouka Kouta in Japanese name order, an apparent wo...
The story is set in the galaxy located near the center of the universe. There are Planet Aernia (a ...
Mix Master is a Korea - Japan co-produced anime series based on the MMORPG, also known by the name M...
Sun Tae-yang loves playing Top Plate. Will Tae-yang and his Top Plate, Blaze Liger, make a good impr...
Monsuno hurtled through space before man existed. Upon burning through the planet's atmosphere and c...
12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involved in Angelic Layer, a battling game using electr...
Set in the near future, Medabots revolves around the super charged battling adventures of a group of...
In the exciting new season of Bakugan, the VESTROIAN galaxy is made up of six planets each home to a...
A group of 12-year-old fans of the Digimon card game meet their own Digimon friends and start to due...
A new cast of characters take on the continued battle between good and evil. Gingka, our hero, and h...
Digimon Fusion, known in Japan as Digimon Xros Wars and in Malaysia as Digimon Fusion Battles, is th...
The story of Kan, a boy who fights with the monsters known as Zinba.
TURNING MECARD R is 3D animation that reformed mini-car to RC car. It premiered on national free ch...