Digimon Fusion, known in Japan as Digimon Xros Wars and in Malaysia as Digimon Fusion Battles, is the sixth anime children television series in the Digimon franchise by Akiyoshi Hongō, produced by Toei Animation. It follows a boy named Taiki Kudō who utilizes the power of joining together Digimon in order to save the Digital World. The series was broadcast on TV Asahi and Asahi Broadcasting Corporation between July 6, 2010 and March 25, 2012, divided into three seasons, titled Xros Wars, The Evil Death Generals and the Seven Kingdoms, and The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time respectively. The series has been licensed outside of Asia by Saban Brands and is internationally by MarVista Entertainment. An English-language version, produced by Saban, began airing in North America on Nickelodeon from September 7, 2013, and later on The CW's Vortexx programming block. An alternate English-language version began airing on Disney XD in Malaysia from December 8, 2012.
In a fictional school, "Tender Tank" Rareko is constantly opening absurd yet strangely enthusiastic ...
Chako Ishibashi is a normal middle schooler at a normal school having normal school days. However, t...
Original anime that aims to teach English with cute girl characters.
Otherworld is an American science fiction series that aired for only eight episodes from January 26 ...
In his basement in San Francisco, boy-genius Quinn Mallory unlocks the doorway to an infinite number...
Umakai Shintaro, a Russian diplomat originally from Japan, defects and goes to Sapporo to teach at a...
Follow the life of Tadayasu Sawaki as he enrolls in an Agricultural University and learn about bacte...
When Ryuu is born his tribe tries to sacrifice him to a Tyrannosaurus named Shirano because of the c...
A rumor states that if you take a photo of someone you like with your cellphone and keep it hidden, ...
Family Santa Claus lives along with the elves and wights in a forest in Finland. They experience a l...
Strange phenomena is causing creatures to awaken in ancient ruins all over the world. It's up the 5 ...
Kamen Rider Fourze × Crayon Shin-chan is the collective title of the special crossover episodes of K...
Three-part anthology series created by Azuki and Dentsu with creative producer, Goro Taniguchi (Code...
Yozakura Quartet ~Hoshi no Umi~ (lit. Yozakura Quartet ~Sea of Stars~) is a series of OVAs released ...
Hiroko Matsukata’s determined to work her way to the top, and at only 28, she’s now an editor at Jid...
Nervous to meet her new stepdad, Hiyori heads to the place she always feels at home—the ocean. When ...
The best way to fit in at a new school? Start a band! Anon has just transferred to Haneoka Girls’ Ac...
A shaved-headed boy named "Igaguri," his partner "Dog," and various other creatures appear in each e...
Chen Jun, an aimless wannabe otaku, suddenly became the Emperor of a multiverse-spanning kingdom. Th...