The Little Lulu Show is an animated television series, based on the Marjorie Henderson Buell comic book character Little Lulu. The show was produced by CINAR Animation after Marge's death in 1993, and aired on HBO Family and Cartoon Network in the United States and on, CTV, and the Family Channel in Canada from 1995 to 1999. In Canada, reruns are currently being shown on both the English and French versions of Teletoon Retro. The series centered on the life and adventures of Lulu Moppet and Tubby Thompkins. Between stories, they showed stand-up comedy that Lulu hosted. This show is not to be confused with Little Lulu and Her Little Friends, an anime TV series featuring the same characters made in 1976.
Akebono City is a peaceful community overflowing with humanity. Since there was a Power Spot that re...
Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vo...
After moving to a new town with her stressed-out parents and relentlessly popular little sister, Dar...
Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of th...
Dinosaucers is an animated television series co-produced in the United States and Canada. It was cre...
During the Warring States era, the feuding generals were suddenly struck down one after another by t...
Joined by her color-changing pet elephant, a joyful little girl creates music, merriment and mischie...
The Music Kingdom contains musical treasures called Sound Jewels, which together produce the "Song o...
In an attempt to conquer the world, the Nuisance World has stolen the Majoka Jewels and have corrupt...
Who needs dialog when you're this cute? The beautiful (but unlucky) Momoko, the cool, collected Shib...
The Fraggles are a fun-loving community of creatures who live in a subterranean fantasy land where t...
A warm, funny pre-school series about an adventurous 5-year old cat who, together with his best frie...
Focuses on a group of toddlers, most prominently Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, and Angelica, and their ...
Handy and inventive pup Tag chases adventure with her best pal, Scooch, solving problems and helping...
Join Hugo, Sonia and Mel on their "Silly Sundays", when school and work are out for the week, and a ...
The Legend of Tarzan picks up where the 1999 feature film left off, with the title character adjusti...
Pinky Dinky Doo dances her way into her Story Box to tell stories and solve problems using her big i...
An abandoned waif and her dog are taken in by a cranky apartment manager who becomes her guardian in...
Set in a local playground, Barney is joined by dinos Billy and Baby Bop and their three kid best fri...