Franklin is an Canadian educational animated television series, based on the Franklin the Turtle books by Brenda Clark and Paulette Bourgeois. The television series was named after its main character, Franklin the Turtle. It was produced by PolyGram Television, Alphanim, LuxAnimation, Nelvana, Neurones Enterprises, Reader's Digest for Young Families, TF1, Funbag Animation Studios, Europool, Mini TFO, and Family Channel, and syndicated by Summit Entertainment.
Rocko is a wallaby who has emigrated to America from Australia. He lives in O-Town and tries to get ...
When four pet turtles were bathed in alien ooze, they began to mutate and became the Teenage Mutant ...
Four turtles fall into the sewers and are befriended by Hamato Yoshi a Japanese man sent to New York...
Native American siblings Kodi, Summer and Eddy have a secret: They’re "Spirit Rangers" who help prot...
A series of short form cartoons starring the iconic and beloved Looney Tunes characters. Bugs Bunny,...
Franklin and Friends is a Canadian CGI children's television series produced by Nelvana that is a re...
In the Korean town-inspired city of Pleasantburg live Bossy Bear and Turtle - a pair of besties who ...
Rise up! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get an all-new look, new weapons, and awesome new powers! ...
A series following the story of young turtles, Ricky and Ella, and their friends, Annabel the Octopu...
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back in an all-new animated series on Nickelodeon! Surfacing to...
David Attenborough reveals the surprising truth about the cold-blooded lives of reptiles and amphibi...
More than four years of filming have been necessary to capture the impressive images of the most var...
Those who have the blood of the Karasu Tengu in their veins must forever fight against the powers of...
The 95th NHK Asadora is about Sumire, a girl born in the uptown of Kobe in the early Showa period. I...
An adventure series that spans all Star Wars eras featuring LEGO versions of the fresh faces of the ...
The Hayashidas were a typical happy family of father, mother, two boys and two girls. Until it all c...
A comedy-drama series for children, addressing the complexity of being a 10-year-old through values ...
Totta loves to fish. One day a bar soul named Potepen appears from the barcode on Totta's bag of pot...