The Muppets return to primetime with a contemporary, documentary-style show. For the first time ever...
Antique Bakery is a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga depicting the lives of four men who work in a small bake...
"Safety First" is a hilarious work place mockumentary set at the heart of a security company. Discip...
My Life as Liz is a mockumentary style American television series that centers on the life of Liz Le...
Nicknamed "The Golden Boy," Oscar De La Hoya – with his good looks, electric charisma, and heartfelt...
The documentary crew that immortalized Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch is in search of a new subjec...
Shot like a documentary, the semi-improvised comedy Hoff The Record follows TV legend David Hasselho...
A six-episode docucomedy about the Gold Rush culture of the California weed industry starring the mu...
A slice-of-life office drama about people who don't want to go to work that will resonate with every...
This mockumentary series follows the peculiar lives of six eccentric -- and sometimes obscene -- mis...
Brian Pern is an ageing rock star and former front-man of ground breaking progressive rock group Tho...
Three well-known adventurers want to make a travel program where they search for the origins of the ...
Derek is a loyal nursing home caretaker who sees only the good in his quirky co-workers as they stru...
A six-part documentary series offering viewers a raw and cinematic look at the former heavyweight ch...
Introducing "Barely Famous": a docu-style comedy series. This show explores the hypocrisy of reality...
Angry Boys is an Australian television mockumentary series written by and starring Chris Lilley. Con...
The behind the scenes of a fictional variety talk show hosted by Pierre-François Legendre.
The Neddeaus of Duqesne Island is a 1970s documentary parody about a family living isolated on an is...
The follow-up to 'Twenty Twelve' as Ian Fletcher takes up the position of 'Head of Values' at the BB...