L'Gros Show is a Canadian situation comedy/mockumentary television series which is broadcast on the Canadian French language music television station Musique Plus. The show stars Mike Ward as Chabot, a comedy character he had previously developed in 2000, and Martin Perizzolo as his friend Poudy. Chabot and Poudy are very much stuck in the 1980s, an obsession which is evidenced by their hairstyles and clothes. Both live in Poudy's mother's basement, where they spend their time playing air guitar and drinking. Part of the show is shot in black-and-white in a mock documentary style.
Former 1960s flower children Steven and Elyse Keaton raise their conservative son Alex, daughters Ma...
A Netflix comedy series written and directed by Catherine Tate set in a women's prison. Tate plays m...
People Like Us was a British radio and TV comedy programme, a spoof on-location documentary written ...
I Love the '80s is a decade nostalgia television program that was produced by VH1, based on the BBC ...
Nobody's Watching is a television program that was never aired. It originated with and was written b...
A Latina reporter looks back on her childhood as a chubby, willful and reluctant Dominican immigrant...
A documentary-style look into the daily (or rather, nightly) lives of a group of vampires in Staten ...
When the Hellmouth opens beneath Darkplace Hospital in downtown Romford, kiddy doctor, Vietnam veter...
Chris is a teenager growing up as the eldest of three children in Brooklyn, New York during the earl...
A chronicle of five friends during a decade in which everything changed, including the rise of AIDS.
Follow the booze-fueled misadventures of three longtime pals and petty serial criminals who run scam...
A slice-of-life office drama about people who don't want to go to work that will resonate with every...
Local radio station, Heat FM, runs a seven-day competition to find "Australia's Sexiest Tradie". Bog...
Ja'mie King, the self-promoting "queen bee" of Summer Heights High, returns from an exchange semeste...
This mockumentary series follows the peculiar lives of six eccentric -- and sometimes obscene -- mis...
MyMusic was the primary series that aired on the MyMusicShow YouTube channel. It documented the anti...
Set in the year 2031, this mockumentary looks back at events that ostensibly happened during the fir...
This partially unscripted comedy brings viewers into the squad car as incompetent officers swing int...
The documentary crew that immortalized Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch is in search of a new subjec...