A team of girls with zero experience in manga editing are off and running toward their dream of crea...
The comedy revolves around Sayuri Satou, the new front desk worker at the Sparrow's Hotel—"the close...
Boku-no-imoutowa"Osaka-okan", is a 2012/2013 Japanese anime television series, that premiered on Dec...
Churuya is a girl with a strong passion for smoked cheese. But Kyon and the rest of the crew know th...
Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in Sept...
Tomari Hinowa is a normal high schooler, until one day he's told that he has to become the wife of a...
One day, a group of aliens planning to take over Earth invade Tokyo. Momoko, who aspires to be an id...
Teenage boy Takeshi and girl Michi get lost in the Card Battle world and have to win card battles to...
A poor little black kitten has been abandoned. It's so hungry that it can't even stand anymore. As o...
The Three Musketeers was an American Saturday morning cartoon produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions ...
Originally from Africa, Mari McGabe's parents were killed by local greed, corruption and wanton viol...
The "loosely science-fiction adventure" is set in the summer sometime in the 21st century. Tokyo's S...
Acclaimed photographer and filmmaker Rankin presents a captivating four-part series that looks at ei...
Xu Wuzhou just made a time travel and found himself become a son-in-law who lives in the home of his...
Kaoru is an office lady you can find anywhere, serious and works diligently, but her husband is a su...
Tatsumi is a high school student who lives on his own, until a merman named Wakasa takes up residenc...
Daisū is a a manga creator who grew up in an orphanage, and whose works do not sell very well. Daisū...
Shake, Rattle, and Roll is one of the six short segments part of the CB Bears animated comedy televi...