Leaving Mundania explores the colorful lives of "cosplayers" by delving beyond the common stereotypes of anime enthusiasts who express their fandom through costuming and roleplay. This film follows several cosplayers from the Greater Toronto Area as they prepare for their annual pilgrimage to Anime North, the largest anime fan convention in Canada. Through candid footage and in-depth interviews, Leaving Mundania offers an intimate view of participatory fan culture, revealing how cosplayers stand apart from the "mundanes" of the everyday world.
A documentary on funk and P-funk and the bands and artists that made it all happen: James Brown, Sly...
An indie documentary exploring the art form of hand-drawn animation through a contemporary lens in t...
An account of the life and work of the Swiss writer Johanna Spyri (1827-1901), the barely known arti...
Different cast and crew members discuss 'Perfect Blue'.
Actor/cult icon Bruce Campbell examines the world of fan conventions and what makes a fan into a fan...
Denise Crosby takes a first look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" from around America and how the ser...
What is anime? Through deep-dives with notable masterminds of this electrifying genre, this fast-pac...
"Mobile Suit Gundam" is a science fiction anime about a war-torn future where humanity has colonized...
Don Letts's hilarious and colourful profile of the godfather of funk, whose 50-year career has defin...
After attending a local comic book convention, three filmmakers are so moved by the stories shared w...
The Japanese volleyball players called the “Oriental Witches” are now in their 70s. From the formati...
Vancouver-based voice artist Ashleigh Ball has been the voice of numerous characters in classic cart...
A exploration of the fanaticism that surrounds the Apple brand, featuring interviews with Mac evange...
Denise Crosby takes another look at the huge fans of "Star Trek" and how the series from around the ...
An eye-opening look at the 'costume play' subculture known as cosplay. "My Other Me" chronicles a ye...
The Mothership has landed! Parliament-Funkadelic plays an out-of-this-world set at The Summit in Hou...
NFL star, Mike Daniels, has been elected to the Pro Bowl two years in a row and leads the Green Bay ...
“Mobile Suit Gundam” series are still favored by various generations, passed its 35th anniversary. T...
Shot in Australia, USA, Italy, France, Germany, and Japan, Beyond the Wasteland follows the fans fro...