"Mobile Suit Gundam" is a science fiction anime about a war-torn future where humanity has colonized outer space. Over the decades Gundam has become one of Japan's most iconic media franchises. But when the original series debuted in 1979, ratings were low, and it was initially deemed a flop. So how did Gundam become beloved by generations of people? What was the making of "Mobile Suit Gundam" - the beginning of this cultural phenomenon - like? This documentary speaks with the people who were there.
Different cast and crew members discuss 'Perfect Blue'.
An account of the life and work of the Swiss writer Johanna Spyri (1827-1901), the barely known arti...
The Japanese volleyball players called the “Oriental Witches” are now in their 70s. From the formati...
What is anime? Through deep-dives with notable masterminds of this electrifying genre, this fast-pac...
Leaving Mundania explores the colorful lives of "cosplayers" by delving beyond the common stereotype...
Japanese Masao Maruyama, co-founder of the Madhouse studio and producer of the cult films Perfect Bl...
An indie documentary exploring the art form of hand-drawn animation through a contemporary lens in t...
A portrait of cosplayer Jessica Nigri, from a magical childhood growing up with quirky parents in Ne...
“Mobile Suit Gundam” series are still favored by various generations, passed its 35th anniversary. T...
The film’s story centers on Musashi Miyamoto, one of the most famous swordsmen in Japanese history. ...
A documentary on the history and making of the epic anime series "Space Battleship Yamato" (known as...
NFL star, Mike Daniels, has been elected to the Pro Bowl two years in a row and leads the Green Bay ...
During his waking hours, Kais is in his bed or mobility device, completely dependent on his devoted ...
Otaku Unite! is a feature-length documentary on the history of Japanese animation fandom in the Unit...
Animation film celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Senba Center Building. Based on the manga "A ...
This movie follows the growth and influence of anime culture in Nagaland, India.
A mysterious group called Humarize strongly believes in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday theory which ...