Marcel is an adorable one-inch-tall shell who ekes out a colorful existence with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. Once part of a sprawling community of shells, they now live alone as the sole survivors of a mysterious tragedy. When a documentarian discovers them amongst the clutter of his Airbnb, his resulting short film brings Marcel millions of passionate fans, as well as unprecedented dangers and a new hope at finding his long-lost family.
Scottish man Jimmy Anderson, released from jail in the middle east over unpaid debt disputes, reunit...
Anteojito and Antifaz live in an apartment house in Villa Trompeta, a fantasy city with funny animal...
A Korean Granddaughter faces guilt and shame as she reunites with her Halmeoni (Grandma) after immig...
Freemont Gordon isn't passionate about his successful job as an architect in Los Angeles. After turn...
The Kiljunen family wins a holiday trip to Helsinki and the city will never be the same again.
The first animated short film to feature Varga's clumsy claymation character Augusta.
A nation wracked with civil war and social unrest anticipates a giant charity concert, organized by ...
Recently widowed Mary Bassett and her three children have hit difficult times on their farm. Suddenl...
Through the eyes of a British "documentary", this film takes a satirically humorous, and sometimes f...
Everyone knows that the stork delivers babies, but where do the storks get the babies from? The answ...
A middle-aged man is laid off from work but is too proud to tell his family. His children, however, ...
Mr. Park raises his children by repairing charcoal pits. Although ignorant and stubborn, Mr. Park ha...
After the passing of his father, Sam Mitchells travels to his childhood home to collect his father's...
An 18-year-old boy named Haewon hates his father for being unfaithful to his mother. In the same apa...
Welcome to the circus arena, where all the characters are made of white paper.
A young man, in the midst of an existential crisis, goes to his uncle for help.
In this daring follow-up to The History of White People in America, comedian Martin Mull takes us on...
Based on true events, 'Alex: The Life of a Child' follows former 'Sports Illustrated' writer Frank D...
World War II. A group of kids try to sabotage the enemy whichever way they can.
While vacationing in the countryside at his childhood home, a woman suddenly reveals to her husband ...