This gritty inner-city film follows various people living in a troubled New Jersey setting, most notably Nick Rinaldi, a disillusioned contractor who has been helped along his whole life by his wealthy father. Other characters in this ensemble drama about urban conflict and corruption include Asteroid , an unstable homeless person, and Wynn, an idealistic young politician.
Kay Dillon, a successful modeling agent, meets the young and handsome ranch hand Tyler Burnett in Ne...
Thirteen years after the end of the Vietnam War, a family who was tragically affected by the war are...
It’s Christmastime and the far-flung members of the Rodriguez family are converging at their parents...
Japanese society is without ideals - Two men and one woman, who grew up in a religious organization...
Three young men did women pregnant for the first time without knowing who is the real father of the...
Kayla, an underprivileged Japanese American 16 year old, endangers her promising future as an aspiri...
September Tapes is best described as Blair Witch in Afghanistan. Instead of hunting a witch in the w...
A screenwriter travels to an abandoned house to finish a script on time, but a series of strange eve...
World War II. A group of kids try to sabotage the enemy whichever way they can.
At the 2004 Republican Nation Convention, love blooms between a Republican delegate and a Democrat p...
A single mother and her embattled son struggle to subsist in a small Mississippi Delta township. An ...
When her rather explicit copy is rejected, magazine journalist Kate is asked by her editor to come u...
A lawyer who is killed in a car accident finds himself resurrected as a character in his daughter's ...
After a tragic accident caused by the truck of the middle-aged Carl Lee where a woman dies with a cr...
When schoolteacher Kieran Johnson discovers that his father was not a French sailor (as he had been ...
During a long, hot summer in seventies London, young neighbors Holly and Marina make a childhood pac...
The life of the revered 18th-century Armenian poet and musician Sayat-Nova. Portraying events in the...
A three-chapter (Hell, Purgatory and Paradise) meditation on the city of Sarajevo in the wake of the...
A schoolteacher, stuck in a teaching post in an arid backwater, stops off in a mining town on his wa...
An edgy drama about a gay teen's tumultuous decent into drugs and anonymous sex, Wrecked smashes cin...