A hybrid feature film that investigates contemporaneity through the body and its countless possibili...
Rescue of the life story of feminist activist from the 1930s, Almerinda Farias Gama, participant in ...
The women of the first Garífuna community in Honduras work hard for the future of their daughters. S...
Incarcerated women join a band of volunteers who battle forest fires and assist during natural disas...
Two waitresses suffering from financial problems are convinced to participate in a robbery at the ho...
Alice's life changes when Laura, the daughter of her neighbor on the wall, knocks on her door to ask...
A mix of live performances and behind-the-scenes footage from the televised benefit concert to raise...
Have you ever woken in the night unable to move, certain that you are not alone? This is an experime...
The lecturer shows a microcinematographic sequence of spirochaetes and drawings of the gonoccus (the...
A celebration of the spirit found in an Australian rural village. Old timer farmers rub shoulders wi...
A Documentary about Nikos Nikolaidis' work. Nikos Nikolaidis was an acclaimed film director and auth...
The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia will be the first ever to be held in a subtropical resort....